Firstly, be free with your critique of our prototype. We know more we could have achieved with our prototype, but we are keen to hear your ideas and suggestions for how we could have improved upon ideas and execution.

Have a radically awesome jam!!!!

This is a prototype of a game about a vampire who shrinks in the presence of rain, and grows by sucking the blood of their enemies. As such, the game may not make much sense to anyone playing, as there are plenty of things going on underneath the hood.

Move Left: Left Arrow / A
Move Right: Right Arrow / D
Jump: Up Arrow / Space Bar
Cape Attack: Left Mouse Click (player cannot gain blood to grow, but they gain points)
Suck Blood: Control (this will rip health from enemies all around the player so the player can grow larger when in dry areas, but the player cannot gain points that way)

The idea of the game is that the player accumulates a score dependent on how many enemy souls they bind to their army (by hitting or defeating enemies with their cape attack) and surviving (by not getting hit and not shrinking too small).

We acknowledge the shortcomings of our project, and our nonetheless proud of our efforts and the lessons we have learned along the way.

Coresi - Team Leader & Programmer
neezh - Artist
R1cHero - Programmer
thesole - Programmer & Play Tester
noflip - Artist
ThunderSnake - Programmer


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